Fuzor 2016 Ugrade Release

최고관리자 0 1,790


Release Notes

Version 2.0.25505

Hello Fuzor Users,

We're sending out one more update before the big release you've all been waiting for! Have a look the latest fixes and changes to Fuzor.


Features and Changes:

Fuzor API can now change materials Fuzor API can now identify which cache file an object is from



The refit widget can now be toggled to snap to the center of an object (picture)



Assigned media placement can now be saved out to a seperate file (picture)


Frame rate improvement on large files Dynamic clouds are now enabled by default


Entourage deleted from a file will remained deleted when saved to cache Fixed teleporting up and down floors for projects with link-files/multiple cache files Hidden objects no longer selectable in Fuzor API Objects in linked cache files now hideable in Fuzor API


Our Fuzor R2 release will be coming soon, so stay tuned! 
For more tips and tricks check out our How To section in the forum!



